Friday, April 21, 2017

Problem of Evil Paper, Rubric, and Crash Course

Here is a link to the Problem of Evil paper -

Here is a link to the rubric for the paper.

Here is the episode of Crash Course Philosophy that we watched on Friday.

Paper is due Monday, April 24 by class.

Image result for depictions of evil

Image result for depictions of evil

Image result for depictions of evil 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Review for Hellenism, Christianity, Renaissance, and Baroque Test

Review for the Hellenism, Christianity, Renaissance, and Baroque Test - Wednesday, April 19 -

Crash Course - Anselm and Ontological Argument for God.

Crash Course - Aquinas and the Cosmological Arguments for God

Crash Course - Intelligent Design / Teleological Argument for God