Monday, February 9, 2009

Alternative Blog #15 - Is Science Taking Away All of Life's Mystery?

The creator of the X-Files, Chris Carter, once said in an interview that science has become the new religion because it seems to have all of the answers today. Want to know how something works? Look it up. Now, you can find out how just about anything works by searching for it on the internet - something as straight forward as changing the pull rope on a lawn mower engine (which I did this summer by myself but paid somebody $40 to do 5 years ago) to learning how to build a rocket engine (out of all different kinds of material -DISCLAIMER -DON'T BE STUPID AND DO THIS!).

The questions for you:
1. Do you agree that science has taken life's mysteries away or solved them? Why or why not?
2. Give me an example of an area of life that science will probably never be able to answer fully or completely.

Minimum 250 words. Due Thursday, 2/12. Thanks.

X-Files montague

Interview w/ Chris Carter and Frank Sponitz about the 2nd X-Files movie


  1. 1.No I do not think so because they haven’t really discovered anything or have a lot of proof that what their saying is true with the whole big bang stuff and other things like that. I mean it is called the big bang “theory”. There are a bunch of different things that they can’t prove but they still say that it’s out there. I still think that eventually that there is a possibility that science can take away some of life’s mysteries but not now because of all of the things they can’t prove. It won’t be to long before they might be able to prove them so it could possible take that away pretty soon.
    2. I don’t think that they could ever prove the way that earth was created. It just seems like too big of a topic to try and tackle. I have a lot of questions about that and I am pretty sure that a lot of people do too. One other thing I really think about and think that if scientists actually did discover this they wouldn’t actually say anything. I think this because so many people would be extremely mad. They would disprove so many religions and everyone would end up hating science. If it did become like a religion I am sure someone would try and ban it from schools. I think that they are scared to actually test this subject. It’s like the question thing should we ask about it or just leave it alone and I think scientists are afraid of what people will do if they do test it.
    josh williams
    3rd hour

  2. Science has done many great things for our world and lives but also ignorance can be bliss. Science has made us become smarted and helped us to understand the mind, body, earth, plants, animals and many other things on and off our planet. It has had great advances in medicine and technology, but when do we say enough is enough. When does the time come when we’ve learned all we can learn? There are still mysteries in the world and there always will be it worries me that’s one day science is going t just keep pushing until they get an answer that may or may not be true. I feel that science one day wont let there be and mystery or wonder in the world. I believe that wonders and mysteries are what makes great minds and makes people search for answers but what happens if people most wondering because science has already tried to figure it all out already? What happens to us as people? I do believe though that there are some things science can never explain. For example when people have near death experiences they all say about the same thing, that they see a white light and feel intense peace and joy. Science can never fully know what happens because they can’t be in someone’s mind when they are dying, or if the scientist itself dies they will not be able to record that data fully ever. I don’t think science will ever be able to fully explain death and what happens after death if there is an after life or is there just nothing, they will never really know certain.
    Erin Bay 4th hour

  3. I feel that science has taken life’s mysteries away. I feel that instead of people looking to religion for answers they are now looking more towards scientific reason. In this day and age people have knowledge at their finger tips and can look up pretty much anything on the internet, so instead of wondering “Why is the sky blue?” or “Why is the grass green?” they can just GOOGLE it. I think people are choosing these scientific answers over the Bible because the Bible is much older and less specific about things. People choose science because it is so precise, but it takes away so much mystery. Instead of looking into nature and thinking about how beautiful it is, you see how the rocks came from lava and water is just two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. I feel this makes life boring and turns us into robots.
    I think that the one thing science will never be able to explain is why any of this is here, why the world and outer space, or any matter, thoughts, or anything, how it’s all here and how there is anything, and how did that thing come? Where did this universe come from? And where did what it came from come from? You can analyze why someone makes a decision, or predict hurricanes and date ancient bones, but how can you explain why any of those things are here, and what is “here” anyways? I feel that this is an answer only God can know, and maybe he doesn’t even know how he was created and where he came from. How did something come from nothing? That is the mystery of the world and something I’m very sure scientists will never know.

    Katie Rothenberg

  4. Ben Despard

    Where did the molecule of dirt come from that started the big bang? Science has not yet been able to explain this small oversight that plagues Evolutionists. Science hasn’t been able to prove or disprove the existence of a higher power, and I highly doubt it ever will. It’s a world of believers, and non- believers. A world of Evolutionists, and those for Intelligent design, who are continuously locked in a theological battle between Darwin and God. I believe that life must be a balance of all things. It’s a natural law; one must know hate, to know love, evil to appreciate good, knowledge to see ignorance, etc. Many people see the world as black and white, but its not, its vibrant colors, many religions, view points, sexual orientations and cultures. As such, one should see things as a balance, not as black and white, but shades of grey. Why can’t both science AND God exist? I personally view science as the means by which God created the universe. It makes sense, in a way, doesn’t it? I agree that sometimes the manner by which science presents itself, tends to demystify the secrets of Mother Nature. But the metaphysical realm, amongst other things for example, is still out there, not yet explained… and though science has been able to show, to some extent, the reality behind multitudes of ghost sightings and other unnatural occurrences, there is still a lot that’s gone unsolved, unexplained. The truth is, that no matter how much science lays open the cogs and workings of natural events and phenomenon, there are just some things that cannot be explained… There will always be more questions, and those who search for the answers. But nothing, not even science, can answer all the questions there are, because no one can ask all the questions.

  5. Science can never approach an answer to our philosophical speculations about fate vs. free will, reason for our existence, existence or reason for a higher power, significance of daily occurrences, etc. Technology and scientific studies can analyze technical aspects of objects in our lives, flora and fauna around us, and technological processes in our bodies. But providing answers to the question of “What exists inside my body?” or “Why can we not fly?” does not destroy the mysteries of everyday life; I think these solid, scientific answers actually adds more fascination and interest to the obstacle of answering the questions we can’t find experimental solutions to. Science, currently, provides no confirmation to existence of other life forms living (or that have lived) in other galaxies, and the repercussions of revising history (if one traveled back in time), which would result in a change in the future and present, virtually guarantee that time travel will never become possible. This means that history and the future will always remain a mystery to us in the present, and although technology and science provides us with facts and insight about the past, we will never know mindsets or feel the experience. Thus, past events, and occurrences in our future lives remain a mystery to us. Actual happenings in our lives are the main source of our pondering: the reason, the cause, and the effect, whose fault. And because these events, (and all significance behind them) will always remain unknown and unable to be tested by science, our life will never be completely figured out, and science can never provide all the answers.

    Laura Dietrich
    Extra Credit

  6. That X-Files guy probably would like some cheese with his whine. Seriously, jeez.

    Aside from that, no, I don't believe that science is taking away all of life's mysteries. This response is relating directly to "scientific" discoveries, which refers to any findings that relate directly to science, and are probably not applicable to daily life in the real world of most humans.

    Firstly, the phrase "life's mysteries" is subjective to a fault; what is or is not a "mystery of life" is completely up to the person at hand. However, that also leaves it up to some nasty circular-ish thought; something may not be a mystery to one person because it's been scientifically proven for them. But is that not the point?

    My point, simply, is that ignorance is not bliss; it is simply ignorance. Going way, way back to Socrates and his "What is courage?", ignorance, in my opinion, is the strong aversion to knowledge, and thus, the fearful aversion to knowledge. Many people in Socrates' day were afraid to have their philosophies poked and prodded until they were airless. This same fear stands tall today, as it has through history. Humans through history have generally had a very strong aversion to anything they didn't understand, which also makes sense as to why we have so many Greek Gods to explain natural phenomena and things out of our control. Relating this back to science and technology, people "fear" things they don't understand, right? Even if humans by nature (and that may be stretching something a little far, as saying something is by nature is careless) are curious creatures that love to learn, we are also by nature (careful, Ramius...) fickle creatures, that don't bother too much with things that either don't apply to them (i.e., science is not their "field of study") or is too hard for them to understand. (i.e., probably upwards of 90% of scientific related media out of specific learning facility teachings)

    My point is that most people disagree with science because they are afraid of these scientific advances for the wrong reasons. It also seems an overwhelming number of people shun science because of the massive amount of learning it takes, thus placing the unwanted social class of "nerd" on them for wanting to take that leap. Also, there's the idea that I haven't even touched on that says that science opens up a whole new spectrum of "mysteries!" Like I said in the beginning; it all depends on how the individual person looks at it.

    Ramius Maniere-Spencer, 3rd Hour

  7. Blog #15 (Alternative)
    Daniel Zamler
    Q: Do you agree that science has taken life's mysteries away or solved them? Why or why not? Give me an example of an area of life that science will probably never be able to answer fully or completely.
    A: I do agree that science has taken some of life mysteries away and solved them. And I believe that it is a good thing. People say that ignorance is bliss. I vehemently disagree. I would much rather know the truth than walk around looking like a fool and acting in ways that are ridiculous. I believe this same fundamental saying is demonstratedly opposed by most people when posed in a different way. Lets say you’re in a relationship. The person who you are dating/married to/whatever else you might be doing something with, is having an affair. Would you want to know about it? Or would you rather walk around the town looking like a fool while everyone else comments behind your back about how you are ignorant? The answer is simple. You would rather know. I think that science will never be able to solve the inner workings of our brain. There is so much that we have absolutely no idea about that it is hard to imagine that we will ever figure it all out. We don’t understand some of the medications we use on a daily basis, such as electroconvulsive therapy for the severely clinically depressed. Another reason is that the way we treat neurological disorders and then try to treat the symptoms without realizing the underlying causes.

  8. Sean Turner

    I disagree with science taking away life’s mysteries, but it certainly has solved some of mysteries, but only a few of life’s mysteries. Science, like religion, is simply an attempt to explain a seemingly complex phenomenon. Science has hardly solved any of life’s mysteries, life’s mysteries are the afterlife, the Milky Way galaxy, things which confuse the human minds when they try and comprehend the mystery. Ever try and think of what happens when you die? You probably realize you have not a clue. The same goes for the galaxy, which is expanding. What is the galaxy expanding into, space? Isn’t it already space? There is simply no simple answer to either of these questions.

    Science may not be able to answer something so complex, but science has been able to explain many things. Newton’s laws, Copernicus’s Heliocentric Model, only two of so many discoveries widely accepted. The only mystery that Newton’s laws solved was explaining something every human does on a daily basis which isn’t really a mystery. The Heliocentric Model found the answer to the center of our galaxy, a question I don’t really consider one of life’s mysteries. I consider life’s mysteries to be spellbinding, completely outside of the scope of humanity.

    To use an earlier example, the afterlife is something science will never be able to explain, or at least for hundreds of years. There is no plausible way for scientists to aim for heaven when they don’t know where it is, if it exists, or even in our dimension. I feel the afterlife is something we will never see on mythbusters.

  9. When I think that science is the new religion I think of the creation of the earth and though that the creation of life and the evolution of life that leads to the creation of our species. In my eyes a religion is a way of explaining how this earth came to be. I have always though that the life on earth came to be from a single celled organism. That organism evolved and eventually became humans after millions of years without even thinking of religion. On one night my uncle who is Christian pointed out to me that believing in the theory of evolution is saying that there is no god. And by doing that you’re saying that you are not a true Christian. He also pointed out to me that there are many missing links in the evolutionary track of Humans like the half man half ape the missing link. He told me that it takes a lot of faith to believe in evolution. So personally I still do believe in evolution and in doing that I am saying I believe in science as a religion. I think that science is the new religion. I do not think that looking at the internet for how to build a lawn mower but I do believe in science in that it tells us how the earth came to be. I only believe this because the bible and science conflict here they don’t conflict on how to build your lawn mower
    Michael Blake 3rd hour

  10. I would agree that science has taken away some of life’s mysteries but at the same time I think that there will always be new mysteries to be discovered. Just because our society is very technologically advanced, it doesn’t mean that we can’t become even more advanced and that we have scientific explanations for everything. A hundred years ago people most likely didn’t even think that a creation like the iPod could ever be possible, yet it is. And I’m sure there are many future scientific discoveries awaiting us that we can’t even begin to imagine now. If every mystery has already been solved then that would make for a pretty boring life, and as far as I’m concerned, life is far from boring. There would be no need to continue to educate young children if there wasn’t going to be more out there for them when they grow up. So no, I don’t think that all of life’s mysteries have been taken away because of science or furthermore, can ever be completely taken away. I don’t think science will ever be able to explain how we came to be. I know there are already many theories on the evolution of the world and everything on it, but none of them can fully answer the question purely based on science. Every time someone comes close to figuring it out, there is always a catch. I believe that the mystery of life will always be a mystery until there is no more life.

    -Elizabeth O'Donnell 4th hour

  11. Continued scientific advancement continues to explain the who’s, what’s, where’s and how’s of life, but even with continued research and development, it seems unlikely that science will ever eliminate life’s many mysteries. The major reason for this is that as science answers more of our questions, it also creates new ones. When scientist took Descartes’ ideas to their extreme and found evidence of what they believe to be the smallest, basic element of all things, the Quark, it leads to a plethora of new questions. Why is this the basic element of all things, how does it hold the earth and all living things together, and how does it combine to create a living cell verse an atom are just a few of the questions that will open up as more scientific understanding of the Quark is achieved. As these questions are answered, I am confident new ones will emerge, continuing the never ending string of mysteries of life.
    Science, also, will never be able to answer all the questions. One of the best examples of this is the quest for the answer to, “Where did we all come from?” Even if irrefutable evidence can be produced proving the Big Bang, we are still going to be left asking what caused the cosmic event, and what caused that, and what caused that. I doubt science will ever provide a clear explanation for how life came to be achieved on this planet, or even for how this planet came into existence.

  12. Lou DiVizio
    Wickersham 3rd

    Science has not, taken away all of life’s mysteries, and almost definitely never will. Science does explain a great number of questions that were previously unsolved, yet these questions are not nearly as deep as the questions that remain. Through science, we have discovered that the earth is not round, and that the earth revolves around the sun, but we have not and most likely will not find out where and how was the first form of life created. The theory of, which is very reputable, explains the progression of living things, but it does not explain how the first life form was created. This question has been addressed but no theory has found a respectable solution. Evolution does somewhat infringe upon religion’s intelligent design beliefs, but it does leave the possibility that a higher being created earth and the first form of life.
    The question addressing our purpose on Earth may be the mystery most would like answered, yet it is the least likely to ever be found for sure, whether through science or religion. I believe this question will forever stay with humanity, forever a mystery.

  13. I agree that science has solved, and therefore taken some of life’s mysteries away. Even looking back ten years, the advancements in technology making internet accessible anytime and anyplace through your cell phone that wasn’t even imaginable just two decades ago, proves this point. Medical science has evolved miraculously as well. Now every child receives a chicken pox vaccine, virtually eliminating a sickness that was fairly common 15 years ago. Cancer treatment has also come a long way. Cancer survivors who unfortunately relapse are receiving different treatments than they did the first time around which could have been just a year ago. I do think that science does take away the mysteries of life, but in a good way. I guess I don’t necessarily want to know how every little thing is created, but I like the idea that somebody, somewhere, does know. It is important for science to take these steps towards solving life’s mysteries, to better our planet as a whole. Imagine how naïve and unsuccessful we would be as a nation, let alone a world if we all still thought the world was flat and Santa Clause was real. As hard as it may be to believe at the time, it is important that we constantly learn new things and try to get ahead of the illnesses and disasters that have the potential to destroy our population and planet. Something, however, that I don’t think science will solve is the mystery of the universe. How did our planet just come from nothing? I think there is still a huge mixing of the biblical and scientific reasoning that people fail to differentiate and end up thinking unproven information is science. There are just too many things that are unexplainable and I don’t see anything in the near future that could be a revelation solving everyone’s biggest question. I would be extremely shocked if science came even close to answering this mystery, bringing it from a “theory” to a fact.

    Jordan Holmes
    4th Hour
    Extra Credit Blog

  14. I don not beleive that science has taken away the mystery of life. The mystery of life I feel can never be answered because for hundreds of years philosophers have been trying to answer them and they can't. Science answers questions that are more physical and that can be observed with experience. Life's greatest mysteries, like "is life pre-determined", "our purpose on earth", and "if a higher power exsists" cannot be proven through science. Science does give more insight on how our bodies operate, why the grass is green, why some people are more immune to a disease than others, and many other things. Many of these scientific discoveries help to save lives, so I think that they are very important.

    It seems like the same philosophical questions have been floating around for hundreds of years. Does God exsist? Are our lives pre-determined? Does everything happen for a reason? All of these questions have not yet been answered and probably never will be answered because science cannnot prove any of these questions through any sort of experiments.

    -Ashley Connelly 4th hour

  15. I think that science has solved a lot of things and taken away many of the mysteries but there are still a lot of things that it has not solved and will not be able to solve like how everything was created. Science is very contradictory on this it says that nothing can come from nothing but yet they are telling us that everything just kind of exploded from a very condensed ball of everything so either they are saying that ball of everything was a ball of nothing or they are saying that that ball of everything just kind of appeared from nothing. But look at everything that it has solved and taken the mystery out of. Everyone used to thing that when a storm would occur the gods were mad or bowling or something like that I have heard many stories about why it would storm. Now we have proven that it is caused by cold and warm fronts that move together with lots of humidity and static electricity. So yes in a way I think that science has taken away a lot of the mystery but not all of it and there will probably always be the few people that think science is wrong and the old way with the gods was right. One question that I do not think science will ever be able to answer is how everything started but I also do not think that the god’s strategy will be able to answer that one. Where did the gods come from?

    Chris 3rd

  16. I believe that science is a necessity and has changed our world more than we could have ever thought, but it will never be able to truly take away all of life’s mysteries. This is because in each person’s mind, there is something they can imagine or believe that cannot be proved. These instances include things like seeing into the future, or having ESP, or having a photographic memory. For example, people may have completely different views of certain words, much different from that of the dictionary definition or another person’s definition. Even though there is a general consensus of what some things mean, and how things are perceived, there will always be people that have a different opinion, therefore showing that there are mysteries that cannot actually be solved because people would not agree on what the solution is.
    I believe that the one area of life that science will never be able to truly understand is the concepts of reincarnation and karma. No scientist can figure out if people, or animals, or any living thing for that matter, can come back in a different life form. To prove it would technically require someone to, in effect, follow a deceased person’s soul, and try to track where it ends up after its journey. If someone someday can actually do that, I would give them major props. But in reality, I cannot see that happening. The same analysis applies to the concept of karma. People can do as many experiments as they want to see if bad things happen to someone who does something bad or if good things happen to someone that did something good. But there will never be a true answer to this question because concepts like good and bad can’t be measured by scientists. These types of questions will most likely never be solved, and these types of mysteries have to be understood for what they are, without a real explanation.

    Carter Freeman
    4th Hour EC

  17. Science has not taken life’s mysteries away. Scientific research continues to improve day after day, but at this point it hasn’t solved life’s mysteries. Questions like, “how can cancer be cured” or “what can be done to prevent disease”, have not been answered yet. Simple problems and with the power of the Internet, you can find things much more easily, that in past days, were very hard to find out a definitive answer. Things like “how to fix a phone” or “how to build a rocket engine” can be found by a simple search in Google. I can easily find out how to build a computer on the Internet, when I barely know anything about computers. An area of life that science will never be answer fully is the reality of a greater object (God), in the universe. There are too many conflicting stories between evolution and what the bible tells us, that science will never be able to prove one thing or the other. Biblical references to today’s day and age would have been impossible back when the bible was written, which are true today, and science is not able to explain that. Science will try and teach the hypothesis of evolution, but if biblical references are brought in, it is impossible to pick which one is right. The day science will be able to prove if God exists will be the Day of Judgment, where God is to “judge both the quick and the dead”. Science will then be able to prove if it is all correct or not.

    Tyler Howe 3rd hour

  18. 1. Science has not taken away life’s mysteries. There are so many questions science has not answered. No scientist has figured out how the universe was created. In the big bang theory everything started with a hot, dense mass. If that were true, where did the mass come from? So we still haven’t proved that. Also scientist can’t create life. I watched this video of scientists and their religious beliefs. One guy basically explained that life is created when one crystal piggybacks on another crystal and then it keeps doing that until you have an amoeba. (Yes he specifically said piggyback). Which really explains nothing. None of the scientists had answers. While science has not taken away life’s mysteries, it has taken away from religion. People now turn to science instead.

    However, a lot of Christians use science to prove their beliefs. For example if there had been a large flood hundreds of years ago, there would be a lot of dead creature, thus a lot of fossils. This explains why there are hundreds of fossils deep in rock layers under the sea and it explains why there are fossils on some mountains. There was also dinosaur bones found in the US where there was still tissue cells not entirely decomposed. If the Earth is billions of years old and dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, why aren’t those tissue cells decomposed? So no, science has not taken away life’s mysteries.

    2. As for an area of science that we will never be able to fully explain. I think that depends on your beliefs. Religious beliefs have many explanations to things scientists cannot prove. Areas we cannot explain base solely on science would be areas I mentioned above: creation of the universe and the key to life. The ability to have thoughts, dream dreams, imagine things in our mind is fascinating. Our brain is basically a bunch of nerve endings, so how we are able to imagine things is a phenomenon.

    3rd Hour

  19. I do not believe that science has taken away the mystery out of life. I believe if anything our scientific advancements have helps to further our amazement of the world around us. For example: when we found out that the light form the stars was millions of years old, and that essentially we were peering into the past, no one stood up and said, “Who, that just makes me hate astronomy now, because what I’m seeing already happened (and if they did they were promptly taken out and thrown into the dumpster out back)” What everyone thought was, “WOW!!! The universe is so expansive that what I’m seeing now has taken millions of years at the speed of light to get here!”
    String theory as well didn’t make anyone go, “Wow, now the world seems boring!” But instead made people go, “WHAT! There could be other universes out there? Therefore making what we live in not a “universe” but and “multiverse” and there are other who look exactly like me living another live?!” Life questions can only be answered through science but unlocking one answer brings up other questions: “What causes that loud noise after the bright light? Thunder. What causes thunder? Lighting. What cause …”
    I don’t believe that there is a question that science will never be able to fully explain because also long as someone is curious enough to search, there will always be answers. It is in our nature to explain the world around us and even by banning research, someone is going to do it, and they are going to inform the world about it because helping others is also part of us.

  20. I believe science has helped answer some of life’s mysteries. If it wasn’t for science I don’t think we would all live as long as we do. Now there are some mysteries that I don’t think we really want to know but there are also many that we need to know. Medical science is one that I am thankful for. Over the last thousand years we have come so far in medical history. Science has created the medicines and treatments that have extended some lives for decades. I don’t believe we need to know all the mysteries of life like who created the earth or why the sky is blue because if you know those answers then what are you going to ponder over when you are bored. The mysteries of life are what make life so great. The one thing I don’t think that science will ever be able to answer is the philosophical questions that we ask ourselves everyday. I don’t think there is any scientific experiment that could answer whether you live your life by fate or free will. Or whether or not there is a higher power up there, no one really knows but they believe and that is what creates the image of one. If any of those questions were to be answered then what would be the point of this lovely class we are in right now? Sometimes there are questions that just are not worth finding the answer to and science can not answer all those that you want answered.
    Anna Beaufore
    3rd hour
    extra credit

  21. No. I do not believe that science has either taken away or solved life’s mysteries. Science is a great thing. It has developed to the point where we understand a lot of previously complex things. Can you imagine not having all of the technology that we have available to us? It is true that if you wanted to find information on how to do anything, all you need is an internet connection. We also understand how the body functions, we continue to discover breakthroughs in modern medicine, and we have been to outer space to walk on the moon. But, there are also a lot of things in this world that remain uncertain. Even though some mysteries no longer exist, there are still a lot of things that science cannot prove. A lot of times a scientific explanation will just be a theory (kind of like the Big Bang Theory) and you cannot always trust this type of thing. As for the second question, there are a lot of things that I do not think science will be able to prove completely. Think about all the philosophical questions that we were trying to tackle at the beginning of the trimester. An example would be explaining how the universe was formed. Scientists say that there was an explosion, but where did that energy come from? Another example would be explaining why we are here and what the purpose of life is. This is where religion usually steps in. So, yes science is a great thing, but I don’t know if we should trust everything they say is a scientific fact. I believe that some things man will never be able to explain (or at least not today).

    Brittany C.
    3rd Hour

  22. I think that science has taken away some of life's mysteries but then again I think it has only helped us and led us to newer, more useful mysteries. I think that a lot of people do rely on science and technology to find the answers for different things. You can go online and look up anything and everything, or how to do something. It is just like the "For Dummies" books. You can find everything from learning spanish to hooking up a computer and much much more. I heard someone at work yesterday say, "Yes, I googled it and found out how to do it." I am not even sure what they were trying to look up, but I thought that it was funny that they relied on Google to do something. I do however think that we have had some pretty good discoveries that have led to undercovered answers and we have science and technology to thank for that. Those can also lead to other unanwered questions that science can not totally explain to us. For example, all of the stuff about space and the Big Bang theory and how we really got here. I think that is something that we have been close to finding out and have some insight or theories about what happened, but we will never know the full meaning of why things happen and what will happen in the future. This kind of ties in with the other blog- there will always be some answers we will try to use science for and help us better know what things are or why they happen, but only God can know those things.

    Nicole M.
    3rd Hour- Extra Credit

  23. I think that science has taken away from life mysteries by solving them. I personally like to have the mystery. It makes life more interesting to never know some things. I don’t want to know the real reason for the existence of earth, or how humans came about, I just want the theories. It makes it more interesting to think about. I do not like science in this way, I don’t see the need to find out why this happened, or the reason for that. Mysteries make the world more fun to talk about. The big bang theory in interesting, and I think it is something that could absolutely be true. I don’t want some random scientist to tell me that it never happened and the world was formed from some random occurrence that has nothing to do with anythingve heard of. It would only confuse me more than I already am confused. I think being confused, or at least somewhat in the dark about certain topics is somewhat necessary.
    One thing that can never be completely solved by science is how exactly the world came about. Humans did not exist until millions of years after the earth was formed, and that’s not even for sure, there is no way of knowing exactly how long the earth has been here. The first inhabitant of the earth can’t talk, nor communicate with us in any way, so who are we going to ask? There are not tests we can do to find this out. And even with a time machine, which I highly doubt will ever be invented, what time would you set it to? You would have to be floating in space to see the earth formed, and that’s even impossible. There is no feasible way to ever answer this question. Ever.

  24. Science has defiantly taken away some mystery in life, but that can be a good thing, But I do not think that it has taken away all the mystery in life because not everything has been discovered. Sometimes we want to know the answers to things like what a disease is and what it can do to us and science can explain that. Even if something has been discovered it doesn’t mean that we will know everything about it. There may be hidden mysteries behind what we think is the simplest thing and it could turn out to be very complex. Science also brings up new questions after one thing is solved. I don’t think that we will ever be able to figure out where we all came from because I don’t believe that theory is correct and millions of things can’t just appear. That also makes me question where everything was before the big bang because something doesn’t appear out of nowhere. I feel that the big bang theory was just thrown out there to make people stop questioning where everything came from. I don’t think that science will ever be able to find an answer to how we all appeared on earth. There is no evidence telling us where we came from and what caused the “Big Bang”. Another question is if God does really exist? I am a catholic and shouldn’t have to ask this question, but there is no proof that God does exist and you only find out if he does exist after you pass. By then it’s too late, and you can’t tell anyone because you are simply not alive. If the day comes that people can truly explain that yes there is a God will bring up a whole new set of question and will also make a huge difference in everyone’s lives.

    Nicole S.
    3rd hour

  25. There are many mysteries that every person in society wants to know the answer to. I think that science has answered the little questions but nothing very spectacular. There are many questions that have been asked for all of eternity that science cannot answer. These questions include: “Is there a God/higher power ruling the entire world”, “Is there life after death?”, & “Is our fate pre-determined?” Science will never be able to answer these questions. Therefore there will always be mysteries in this world that no one can solve. But science has answered all of the questions that we have during everyday of our lives. The questions include: “Why do I have a shadow?”, “What makes it rain?”, and “What makes my arms move?” People want answers to everything in this age. Back in the stone ages people couldn’t just “google” something and find out the answer. They had to figure it out for themselves. All of the information and answers that people get today from google and other search engines are the work of others. Many people are just to lazy to figure out something themselves so they just type it in on the Internet and they automatically have the answer. Science has changed the way that everyone has learned and how much he or she can learn. Science will keep unlocking our everyday questions but it will be a very long time, if ever, where science can unfold the biggest mysteries that have been on this earth forever.
    Jake B 4th Hour


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