I'm asking you to do a paper about your identity. If we know who we are, then we can figure out what we believe.
The paper should be a minimum of 1.5 pages, double spaced, 1 inch margins, no bigger than 12 point font. It's subject is you and who you identify as.
1. Complete the social identity wheel. Describe which of these social characteristics define you the most, the least, and why. Don't lose this handout, you will turn it in w/ your paper on Friday, Dec. 8.
2. Watch the two Crash Course videos on Identity below. #19 Personal Identity talks about the two theories about identity - body and memory theory. Which do you feel is more of an accurate reflection of you and why? #20 Arguments Against Identity discusses the ideas of a fixed identity and one that is a bundle of impressions. Also, there is a discussion about our identity and the promises, obligations, and responsibilities that we have. Which of these critical ideas do you most agree with and why?
3. Describe yourself. Who are you to your family? Who are you to your friends? Who is the hidden you that no one sees? Also, which do you think has influenced you more - nature or nurture? Explain why with specific examples.